“One of my responsibilities as Mayor is to work with the Polk County Board of Supervisors. Through this work over the past few years, I have become concerned about the direction of county government. The people of Ankeny, Altoona, and the surrounding Townships deserve representation based on the same principles we have followed during my tenure as Mayor.”
– Mark Holm
Mark Holm is a life-long Iowan. Born and raised on a farm in southern Iowa, Mark knows the value of a hard day’s work and the importance saying what you mean, and meaning what you say. Mark has demonstrated those attributes by serving the people of Ankeny for the past 16 years.
Mark has served as Ankeny’s Mayor since November of 2021. Before that he was a member of the Ankeny City Council for 10 years, nine of which he served as the city’s Mayor-pro tem. He began his service in Ankeny as a member of the Board of Adjustment in 2008.
In addition to his responsibilities as Mayor, he serves the community as a member of the Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board and Executive Committee, Metro Advisory Council, Greater Des Moines Partnership Board and Executive Committee, City/School Subcommittee, Mid Iowa Association of Local Governments, Metro Waste Authority Board, Ankeny Area Chamber of Commerce Board and Executive Committee, Ankeny Economic Development Corporation, Uptown Ankeny Association, Polk County Emergency Management along with various other local and regional task forces and committees.
Mark attended Iowa State University, where he earned a B.A. degree in Political Science with a minor in Entomology. He also holds a Certified Public Manger certification from Drake University.
Mark has worked for the Iowa Department of Transportation for 25 years. He is currently a Public Service Manager 1 in the Right of Way Bureau. In his position, Mark administers the statewide right-of-way acquisition and relocation assistance programs for highway expansion projects.
Mark met his wife Kari (Vogt) while at Iowa State University. Kari is a surgical nurse at Methodist Hospital. The couple has been married for 23 years and have three active boys. Mark enjoys watching his boys participate in basketball and soccer. Mark is an active runner and cyclist in his spare time.
Lower Taxes
In Mark’s tenure the city of Ankeny has lowered its levy rate more than any other city in its size class in the entire State of Iowa. Ankeny has lowered its rate from $12.02 to its current rate of $9.90. The City of Ankeny has the lowest tax rate for a full-service city in Polk County. Mark ran to change the culture of spending and today Ankeny is setting the standard for fiscally conservative local government.
Fiscal Responsibility
Ankeny has shifted away from high-rate borrowing. Ankeny has embraced the concept of living within our growth and spending cash for some projects rather than financing everything. When borrowing is required shorter terms for repayment. Ankeny’s credit rating has improved under Mark’s tenure, ultimately saving more public money on interest payments.
Good Government
Elected officials should represent their constituents with pride. Elected officials should be held accountable by the citizens. Mark takes pride in timely responses to emails and phone calls. Mark is happy to visit with citizens and to answer the hard questions presented to him. Currently, the Polk County Board of Supervisors are entangled in multiple lawsuits, costing the residents of Polk County needless sums of money. Honesty and integrity are what citizens demand of their government. Mark has an impeccable record as a public servant and wishes to restore the faith of the people with the Board of Supervisors.
Let us know how you can help Mark . Together we can focus on delivering on the promises we made to Ankeny voters such as cutting property taxes and restoring faith in government through openness and integrity, ensuring we have safe and clean drinking water, and a firm commitment to keeping our neighborhoods safe.
Donate today to help Mark Holm WIN Polk County Supervisor District 3!